Amy gave me this awesome award... I'm sure mosty out of pity for my poor little blog, but I'll take what I can get. So, thanks Amy for thinking of me!
This award has rules:
1. Please put the logo on your blog.
2. Add a link to the person who awarded you.
3. You must nominate 7 fellow bloggers for this award.
4. Add links to the recipients.
5. Leave a comment so the recipients know they have received an award
Here are my nominations....
Amy from This and That. I know you nominated me, but tough! I love your blog too and HAVE to visit it every day... so of course you have to be on the list!
Misty from ToddandMisty. She's my sister, and has such a great blog! She talks about her husband and cute little boy, and other random, funny stuff... You really should check her out!
Jana from Jana Banana. I know her through my sister, but she's my friend too! She's so witty and funny! And, she knits like a mad woman!
Margo from The Lybb Fam. She's a neighbor of mine and I just love her! We've been friends for over 6 years and she's so good to my kids! Not to mention she has a great blog too!
Devri from The Naulu Tribe. I know she's already been nominated, but that's just too bad. She totally hooked me up with my cool blog layout and I love to read her blog too! She has a huge family and her kids are gorgeous!
Jenn from The Saratoga Boaters. I haven't know her for that long, but we play Bunco together and I just love the way she writes! I really look forward to seeing new posts from her!
So there you have it. The blogs I love to see on a regular basis! There's lots more, but I could only choose 7! Just know that I love you all! :)