Ok, I know I'm a little slow on talking about this, but I've been trying to catch up on all my TIVO'd shows since I've been back. I can't believe Syesha is still on American Idol! What is going on? In my opinion, she should have been gone weeks ago. I'm so sad Brooke left! I know she didn't have the best voice, but it was so original and I just loved her! Oh well, at least my David's are still there. One of them better win dang it!
I totally think that Jason should have left before Sayesha and Brooke, but as long as both Davids are there in the end, it doesn't really matter. I love David Archuleta because he seems like such a great guy and he has a fantastic voice, but I have to be honest, I think that I would buy a David Cook CD (even though my husband thinks he is a poser) long before I would buy a David Archuleta CD.
I was so sad to see Brooke go too, I think the 2 Davids will be the last ones standing. Jason NEEDS to go!! David A is just too young to be thrown into all that fame, seems like he can barely handle the show!
Hey Misty, let Todd know that when he can sing Phantom of the Opera like David C. he can call him a poser!!!! The guys rocks!
Hello David Cook...good bye Jason!
John Travolta needs to go bye-bye!
why don't i watch this???
LOVE the David's. By the way, your Africa pictures look awesome. I bet it was so much fun.
I have stress with this whole season... I know I am probably going to be a big loser for saying this but... I really don't love David A. He kindof has a slobbery lisp thing going on like daffy Duck- I am waiting for him to sing "sufferin' sucatash"- Dread lock boy has GOT to go... I just don't love hippies THAT much. I listen to 101.9 and the DJ's were mocking David C's hair- calling it the tinkerbell do and I kindof bought into that mockery so now his hair kindof bugs. That leaves me with Syesha and I think we only like her because my man and my boys think she is hot. So... at our house hotness rules- That is what the competition is all about- RIGHT? Sorry to rain on your parade and for writing a novel for a comment. I'll just go away now...
Hey Holly! Its Tara I am with you on the Syesha thing. Bubba and i have not likd her from the beginning. She has a great voice, but there is just something about her that in not original, like brooke. I bet David and David will be the last standing. I cannot figure out who will win, but I know I will be happy for either of them. On another note..ya my new favorite series of books is by Scott Westerfield. They are in the Young Adult category...still great. The first is called Uglies and so forth as you read on my blog. They are about people in the future when they turn 16 get a surgery done to make them perfect and beautiful. Then of course there is a bad side to it and so on. I love the love stories and the story itself. My house has been a mess since I cannot put the book down. I hope to get them back soon so maybe then I can loan them out to you. If not, I found them at Barnes and Noble. Enjoy your day and I will see you Tues at Bunko!
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