Monday, May 5, 2008

Best Buddies

Wyatt had big plans Saturday night to go to the movies with his buddies. About an hour before they were ready to leave, Sadie came over so naturally he invited her too! Those two have been best friends since they were little. Sadie is Patrece's daughter and they live next door. We are so lucky! So anyway, they both had to "get ready" before they went. I'm sure they were planning on scoping out the opposite sex and had to smell good. This was them before they left. And yes, I know, Wyatt needs a haircut!
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Mindi said...

how cute that they have been buds for so long--have you got the marriage arranged yet? get on it!

Misty said...

I totally love Wyatt's hair. If he does need a haircut, he only needs a trim.

Amy said...

So cute! I love that they will still hang out even though they are a boy and a girl. Some of my very best friends growing up were boys. I still have a soft spot in my heart fro Troy Ence and Lance first best boy friends!

Collette said...

So cute, my son has always tried to get that same hairdo and it never looked that good! I see a very cute couple in the future!!

Anonymous said...

I have pictures of those two when they were in kindergarten! I can't believe they are so big now. I'm glad they are still such great friends.