Friday, June 27, 2008

Sure kids... you can shoot a gun.

Because we own a Land Rover, we always get invited to their annual events. It usually takes place in Moab, but this year they decided to switch it up a bit and do a day activity. So, we went down to Grantsville to a shooting range. It actually was really fun and they had great food and awater balloon fight for the kids too.

Mindi, the following pic is for you. Remember how I said that my son always jumps in front of everyone in pics? See Exibit A....
I'm sure I'll get "Mom of the Year" for this one. See Wyatt's face and how red it is? Well, he went kayaking with his uncle Todd and cousin Bryan the day before and I didn't put ANY sunscreen on him. Feel free to pat me on the back or give me a high five next time you see me. Oh and Mike's gonna LOVE me for posting this pic of him I'm sure.

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This is Wyatt shooting and Mike in the background giving him a hard time because he was missing the targets.


Devri said...

I love it, that reminds me of me, not my husband giving hard times. And your sons face is like my face today.... I can't stand my children, went swimming yesterday, not even my 2 month burned, they just get darker.

Linds said...

Whoa...High Five!!

rachel said...

Looks like they had a blast! Too bad about the sunburn though...OUCH :)

tiburon said...

Ooo my boy would be jealous of that! Looks like so much fun :)

Amy said...

I wanted to see the Charlie's Angel pics of you with the snappy earphones and amber glasses. Sweet photos!

Misty said...

Ohhhh - Wyatt's face looks worse than yesterday. I thought that the after-shock of his nose looking like "hamburger" was going to be worse, but definitely crab red just makes me hurt. PS - I landed wrong wakeboarding yesterday and my neck is killing me.

jenn said...

So this has nothing really to do with this post, but I just had to tell you what great boys I think you have! I've know Hayden forever and always thought he was just the best kid, and after this weekend and getting to be around Wyatt I'm so impressed at what a good kid he is too! So you do deserve a big high five for being the mother of such polite, well behaved, fun, cute, helpful boys. I'd be happy to have them around anytime.

p.s.- what's your secret and can you share? =)