Friday, June 20, 2008

I hope I'm the right Holly...

I was just visiting Mindi's blog and she was "tagged" by a friend. I love to read these about people I don't know very well. It gives me lots of insight to their soul. Ok, maybe not that dramatic, but it's good info. Anyway, at the end of this said post, she mentioned 5 people she would like to see do this as well. So, here's my dilemma... She said Holly S. The reason I think that's me is:

1. She used to call me Holly S. because of the "saratoga fam".

2. I want to be her friend.

3. Ok, that's all I got. I just want to be her friend.

I guess my only option is to do the tag and find out after I publish it if I'm a complete idiot and there really is another Holly S. that I don't know about. So, here goes....

How to play the game. Post these rules on your blog: List 3 Joys, 3 Fears, 3 Goals, 3 Current Obsessions/Collections, and 3 Random surprises about yourself. Tag five people at the end of your post by leaving their names.

3 Joys

1. My husband & 2 boys.

2. Being with my friends, whether it just be going out or on vacay.

3. Christmas.

3 Fears

1. Something bad will happen to a family member.

2. Heights.

3. Scary Movies.

3 Goals

1. Get out of debt.

2. Look like Elle Mcpherson. (never gonna happen)

3. Learn how to play golf.

3 Current Obsessions/Collections

1. Music. I always have to listen to it and I like a lot of different genres.

2. Books. Haven't been much of a reader until last year, but now I'm obsessed.

3. So You Think You Can Dance. Yeah, you got it. The TV show. I LOVE it! I'm not a pack rat, so I don't really collect anything. Sorry.

3 Random Surprises About Yourself

1. I love to gut fish. Since I was little and my dad would take me fishing, I've always had a fascination with cleaning fish guts out. I know, a little crazy... but that's me!

2. I don't really like Chocolate. Kinda weird, I know, but I'd rather Jolly Ranchers or Sour Patch Kids any day.

3. I don't like surprises. My husband threw me the best surprise party one year, but i totally ruined it, because I don't like being the only person not knowing what's going on.

There you go... random stuff about me. Now, I tag Misty, Amy, Collette, Jenn C. & Devri. Come on girls! Play along!


rachel said...

Isn't mindi the BEST! Love her blog...I don't know if we can be friends though...isn't it unAmerican to not like chocolate :) Just kidding, loved learning more about you.

Devri said...

I am up for the challenge, will get it done tonight though, and ummm excuse me, that is why you are so dang basted skinny, can't get fat off of a piece of a jolly rancher. Whatevvvv-

Collette said...

Thanks that was fun! It is fun to get to know people like that! It was fun to take a moment and think about those things! Have a great weekend!

Mindi said...

oh. my. HELL!! i am such a tard. yes, darling holly, you know it was you. i don't even have you listed as holly s but i guess i forever am gonna think of you that way. i am so lame.

i still love you, even if you don't like chocolate.
plus amy says you are the cutest thing ever. EVAH.

ps: your confession?? me too, 2006 ;)

Amy said...

Oh... I told Mindi about your confession.. .I'll kill her next time I see her. I'll play along and do the TAG... Ohhh.... we need to chat about the concert. Let's do it.

jenn said...

I have a new found respect for you after the gutting fish thing. WOW.

Thanks for the tag, I'll get to it soon!

Except maybe we can't be friends after the chocolate wonder you're so thin! =)

Jana said...

I like sour patch kids too, but I also like chocolate... that's not doin' me any favors!

And I also hate surprises, I am way too much of a control freak to be surprized!

Misty said...

I am pretty sure she meant you. Anyway, thanks for the tag, but it might take me a while, it's a tough one.

Misty said...

Hey, remember Elise Fellingham? Well, I thought you might like to know what her blog is:

Misty said...

Hey, do you have those pictures of me on Halloween when I dressed up as Avril Lavigne?