Monday, January 28, 2008

Snow Day

Today has been a very interesting day for me. I had a hair appointment, but canceled quickly due to the weather. The boys couldn't ride the bus home because of the snow! I don't remember that happening since the time I was in elementary. It makes me very grateful that I have a warm house and food to eat on a day like this. Since I've been stuck at home today, I've been watching the news and all the great things that President Hinckley did in his life. He was such an amazing man, and a wonderful leader. He connected with everyone and had such a great sense of humor. I admire him and appreciate the great example he's been to me and my family! This picture was at his wife's funeral. I am so happy to know that he gets to be with her again...
My cousin, Molly showed me this link... I think it's a great tribute to our prophet!


Anonymous said...

Wasn't he the best. Love that pic. I couldn't believe it when I heard. We just received word that a friend from the temple had a massive stroke and passed away yesterday too. One of those weeks. hey - how did you do the music?

Anonymous said...

I love that picture. Maybe when we all get to heaven, we will get to talk with President Hinkley. I think he would be the coolest guy to just chit-chat with.