Tuesday night was Wyatt's 6th grade class performance of "A Midsummer Night's Dream". Wyatt was one of the presenters that explained the play throughout, which really helped considering it was Shakespeare... Handsome kid that boy is, if I do say so myself. I can't believe he'll be in junior high next year!
Wyatt is the BEST! I have loved watching him over the last years. He looks great with his summer blonde hair too!
everytime i see one of your boy's photos, i'm sad that i didn't have a male offspring. seriously good looking, that one. but then i look at his mom and dad and go, "duh."
where have you been? Such a handsome boy, junior high-Brendan loves it-wyatt will have so much fun!! Someone said once they hit junior high the time just flies by and the next thing you know they are graduating high school!ugh...
Able to "translate" Shakespeare AND he's handsome... He's got it all! My son was playing in a tourny in your neck of the woods and I saw your Saratoga Springs sign and I thought of you...special!
He seriously is one awesome nephew. I am sad that I didn't get to go to this, but hopefully I can go to his next special event. :)
They did a great job, didn't they!! I can't believe they're old enough to go to JUNIOR HIGH!?!? Wow! Cute kids!
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