I finished reading "The Host" by Stephenie Meyer today, and for anyone contemplating reading it... DO IT. She is a crazy, amazing author! I really loved it! It's captivating in the strangest way.
So, there's my 2 cents... Please let me know what you think when you read it!!!
Are you kidding me...you already finished?!? Hopefully, I'm going to Costco today to buy it (if they still have it)! Off the subject...I know you're the room mom for Mr. Goodman (cool stuff you did for him, by the way)...how can I get my Caden in his class??? I hear he's awesome!
I can't believe you're finished! You are awesome. I'm a little more than half way and it's getting dang good. Glad to hear you liked it!
Hey, this is totally random, but I have a friend named Amy who lives in St. George. Her husband and my husband served their mission's together. Anyway, I was on Amy's blog just now and recognized the "picture" attached to a comment (from someone named Mindi)as one that I've seen before. So I linked to her blog and there you were in her list of friends. Such a small world! How do you know Mindi? And I wonder how she know's Amy. Too funny!
I haven't started reading yet. I need to get my priorities straight!
i am still not so patiently waiting for my book to come from amazon. they frickin suck.
I haven't started it yet. I need to get on it!
I just might have to read it or listen to it on CD.
I just finished it today too and I loved it!
Finished yesterday. Loved it! She is such a great author. Can't wait until August!
Holly, I heard that the Odd Thomas books by Dean Koontz are awesome, or really anything by Dean Koontz. So, if you are going through book withdrawls, you may want to check him out. I will be starting his books soon! :)
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