My husband downloaded all the pictures we took on his laptop, so I don't have many right now, but I thought I would give you a little sample of my experience. So here's the story: Mike's friend Sharif invited us about a year and half ago to go on a hunt in South Africa with he and his wife. We thought... sure, a year and a half is forever away. Well it came, and it came fast. I couldn't believe I was actually getting on a plane to go half way across the world to HUNT! The plan was that the first week was for the guys to go hunting and then we were flying to Cape Town for a week for some rest and relaxation. To my surprise, the favorite part of my trip was the first week! We would wake up in the morning, put on our camo and set out to find animals. It was so surreal. The landscape looked like home, but with cactus and then out of nowhere, we'd see zebra, wildabeasts, warthogs, monkeys, kudu, and on and on. It was truly amazing. Now for the non-hunters out there... sorry. The next pic is the Kudu Mike shot after we sat on a small fold up stool for 2 hours saying nothing at all and not moving. They are such a pretty animal.

This is a picture with the owner and our private hunting guides. We stayed at their lodge in the middle of nowhere and they were such nice people.

This is a picture in Cape Town. We took a cable car up to Table Mountain. The views were amazing!

I'll try to put a slideshow together today with a lot more pics (if I can figure it out).
ok - I am laughing my head off. The pic with you and Mike and the animal -- it looks like a fake backdrop and you are just posing! I can't imagine seeing that animal out in the wild, shootin it, then posing to take a picture with it. I love it. How funny. I can't wait to hear more.
that makes me want to put cammo on and kill something--which is a big step for me, btw, as hunting holds no appeal for me because i always think it's just you getting dirty and sleeping in a tent.
but i could hunt, more pics soon!
Loved the hunted animal. My parents went to Africa and they loved it. I think my kids need to go to see how most of the world lives. Also... thanks for the link of your people's gives me the opportunity to waste more time and sit at the computer more often...not to mention meet new friends in the blogosphere. Glad you're back!
That is some crazy shizz!
I will remind Todd not to visit your site any time soon! Nah, really that Kudu really is a beautiful animal. It totally looks like it is still alive! Can't wait for more pics.
Welcome home! Glad you had a fantastic trip. Your pictures are amazing...I didn't realize you were going to hunt! Incredible!
I had to wipe the drool off Gabe's chin after showing him the awesome Kudu you scored! Him and my dad have been talking about going on that hunt or a red stag hunt for years. Thanks a lot for making him think that I need to be a hunter woman now! Before we got married I told him I would love to go hunt but have not been yet 10 yrs. later. You made it look glamorous though! I might have to give it a try
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